The commitment of Health and Safety Policy
Con-Force Structures is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace with safety as a primary consideration in all we do. We value our employees, clients and the environment and we do not view any level of loss as an acceptable consequence of conducting our business. Con-Force recognizes the right of workers to work in a safe environment.
To achieve our goal of becoming an industry leader in safety performance, Con-Force Structures invests in our employees to ensure that they have the best resources for safe and healthful working conditions as well as safe work rules, practices and job procedures based upon experience, safety training and competent supervision. Con-Force is committed to creating and maintaining a corporate safety culture that expects all levels of employees to refuse unsafe work; to actively participate in safety meetings and site inspections; and to report near miss incidents, injuries, equipment and property losses and environmental incidents when they occur.
Everyone at Con-Force has the responsibility to prevent accidents, injuries and equipment loss by observing established safety procedures, following the directions of supervisors and reporting unsafe and/or unhealthy conditions. As a company, we are committed to conducting Hazard Identification & Risk Assessments, preparing and implementing supplementary project-specific Health and Safety Plans as required, providing safety training and orientations to all workers, with particular attention to new, young employees. Con-Force is committed to the implementation of the health and safety program in a spirit of cooperation and consultation.
Where a worker has been injured, all efforts will be made to assist the worker to stay at work, with modified duties as required; and if the injury results in a lost time WorkSafe BC claim, Con-Force will work with the individual, his or her health care practitioner and WorkSafe BC to facilitate an early return to work through the Con-Force Return to Work Program.